clothing brand

Taking good care of an item of clothing can help extend its life significantly. Carlanisa is a clothing brand. That is why we're sharing some of our top tips for caring for your clothes so they last longer. Look beautiful for longer!


Wash Clothes less

Think twice before washing your clothes. Washing clothes too often can damage the fibres and therefore shorten the lifespan. This is especially true with dry cleaning, which uses harmful chemicals that flatten the natural fibres in some fabrics.

If something isn't dirty but needs to be freshened up instead of tossing it in the wash bin. Try hanging it outside or in a steamy bathroom to breathe first.


Wash Clothes at a low temperature.

When it's time to wash clothes, wash them at a low temperature. Wash at a low temperature with a mild and natural laundry detergent. It is to keep the fabric clean and soft and to prevent colour fading. For an average shirt over a year, 80% of the emissions generated during the 'in-use' phase of its lifecycle come from washing and drying - washing at 30° or lower reduces these emissions. Helps to protect your clean fabric. Exceptions may be items that come in close contact with your skin, such as underwear, bedding and towels – which may need to be washed at a higher temperature.

Pay attention to care labels.

Different materials require different methods for laundering. For example, We should wash wool when we need to. By using a gentle cycle or hand-wash with wool-specific detergents. It is important to take proper care of delicate fabrics such as cashmere and silk, which are especially susceptible to damage from harsh chemicals and heat. Pay close attention to the instructions on the label. This advises you of the maximum temperature at which we can wash this item. Unless that's the case, the label just says dry clean.


Cut down on dry cleaning.

One in three consumers avoids buying clothing brand that says dry clean only on the label because of the extra effort involved in cleaning the item, but in fact, most labelled 'dry clean' Delicate items can only be washed on gentle, low-temperature cycles (unless the item has details that can be damaged in a washing machine). Dry cleaning is a highly chemical process that has negative environmental effects and can damage textile fibres and the skin of consumers. Where dry cleaning is the only option for clothing, look for eco-friendly cleaners that offer non-toxic and 'eco' cleaning services.


Use eco laundry powder and detergent.

Standard soaps may contain fossil fuel-based ingredients, which can have negative effects on the environment because they do not biodegrade. Using specialist laundry products such as our Eco Wash range and a delicate hand wash can also go a long way to making your most valuable items last longer. Thankfully, there are now a growing number of eco-laundry products that are made from biodegradable, plant-derivate ingredients, and are reliable. For example, B Corps Ecover and Method both offer cleaning products that are made with mostly natural, plant-based ingredients and come in 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles, while Clothes Doctor's clothes. The new range of washing products is for cashmere, silk and everyday washes. Formulated with plant-based ingredients that nourish delicate fibres and arrive in reusable aluminium bottles (it also offers a refill program).

Wash inside out.

An extra handy tip is to wash clothes inside out. When machine washing, avoid overfilling. As this can cause friction and fibre damage.

Air Dry Your Clothes

There's nothing like that freshly washed, air-dried smell when you bring your clean clothes in from the washing line. And not only does it smell better, but air drying is also better for your clothes and the planet than tumble drying, which uses a lot of energy to run and can damage some clean cloth.

Instead, shake your clothes and hang them with a cloth hanger either outside on a washing line, drying rack or hanger to air dry. Again, pay attention to clothing brand labels as some fabrics, such as woollen jumpers, may dry better flat.


Store Clothes Properly

A proper cloth hanger can prolong the life of a garment. Store all clothes in a cool, dry place to protect them from moisture, sunlight and heat, which can cause damage. Make sure clothes are clean before storage, as dirt and surface debris can attract clothes bugs, which can damage your clean fabric. Try lavender or mothball knitting pack to combat moths. It's important not to overstuff your wardrobe, as clothes need room to breathe - this will also prevent wrinkles and colour loss from rubbing clothes together.

When hanging clothes, use a wooden or padded cloth hanger to protect the clothes from further damage.





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