Complete Guide to Select Best Tudung for Office
Posted by CARLA NISA

It is an important topic, that how you choose tudung for office use. Most Malay women do not know how to select the perfect tudung satin bawal for office use. Professional Hijab office wear or Tudung also have a direct role in your personality and work efficiency. If your choice is wrong you will not only look bad but also your work performance will be affected negatively. Here is the guide on how to select the best tudung shawl for your office.
1. Style of the Tudung
The style of the Hijab is very important. Conventional Hijabs or shawls are time-consuming to wear. When you take off the conventional hijab, it will take more time to fit on you again when you wear it. Many hijab styles can be styled, but the selection of hijab style also plays a role in every occasion because if it is not suitable it will make a person uncomfortable or not beautiful.
The solution to this problem is solved by Carlanisa’s Instant Tudung. These instant hijabs save you important time. You are ready in no time. The style and comfort of the hijab are something that is given a lot of attention.
2. The hijab should be Minimalist
The ideal hijab for offices should be minimalist. Normally, we prefer pin-less tudung satin bawal hijabs. Because working women wear hijab all day from morning to evening. They also have to attend formal meetings and events. These pins can damage your skin or leaves marks on the skin. Therefore, go for the pinless tudung. Carlanisa also introduces many pin-less hijabs.

The style of the hijab that is simple and does not require many buttons is highly encouraged. Because it makes it easier for the wearer to open and put the hijab back on. Especially for those who want to pray and at the same time want to make sure the hijab is always in good condition.
3. Fabric Quality of Hijab that Matters Very Much
Choosing a tudung hijab that is too thick will cause the wearer's hearing to be less clear or 'deaf'. Harsh fabric can also cause soreness and redness around your ears. Be wise before buying a hijab if you don’t know much about the fabric quality of Tudung. Hijab fabric material should be smooth and soft to the touch. You should feel comfortable and easy in a hijab.

Carlanisa Hijab's fabric quality is very good and comfortable. Our tudung satin bawal will provide you soothing experience. If you wear a hijab all day in an office, school or university, you should not worry about the comfort of the fabric.
4. Consider your Face Shape before wearing Hijab
Here we have listed some points for you, based on which you should choose your headscarf for a ravishing look:
- If you have an oval face, wear a hijab higher than your forehead.
- People with round faces should prefer to wear a headscarf that is a bit wide around their cheeks
- People with square faces should wear their headscarves a little higher because their foreheads are shorter.
5. Choose Colors of Hijabs Wisely
Ladies, never forget to have neutral headscarves in your wardrobe. They are a must-have in every girl's wardrobe. When you can't think of matching or contrasting colours, the neutrals play a safe game for you. The colours of the Hijab should not be too shiny. Always go for light colours like silver, skin, grey etc.
What do we recommend?
As you know, Carlanisa is well-known for its Instant Shawls. Their instant tudung shawl is time-saving and attractive. For office use, we recommend Instant shawl 2.0 because these shawls are dedicated for professional hijab office wear use. Its beautiful and elegant material can set you on fire. You will look more professional in your office. Instant tudungs are helpful in your daily busy office life. Instant shawl 2.0 fabric material is Premium Korean Moss Crepe Lycra. This fabric is famous for its smoothness and it gives you a cuddly experience. Also, we don't need any extra accessories like pins. This fabric is not easy to wrinkle and pin less instant hijab. You can buy Instant Shawl Fast 2.0 from here: